Remains (honeycomb)



"O superbi cristiani, poveri infelici con la mente ottenebrata, che avete fiducia nei vostri passi rivolti all'indietro, non vi accorgete che noi siamo dei vermi, destinati a formare una farfalla angelica che vola senza intralci alla giustizia divina?"

Dante Alighieri, Purgatorio Canto X

The small sculpture is made up of a series of four wax bones. The worms that are inside the display case - which embellishes the contents macabre - are of the species commonly known as wax moth. The result is a kind of macabre dance of the moth that to be able to becoming a moth must feed on the bones by devouring and modifying sculpture.

Collective exibition at Bottega storica Vincioni Marmi
curated by Giulia Carpentieri

martina dierico remains(honeycomb) martina dierico remains(honeycomb) martina dierico remains(honeycomb) martina dierico remains(honeycomb) martina dierico remains(honeycomb) martina dierico remains(honeycomb) martina dierico remains(honeycomb) martina dierico remains(honeycomb)