L'alveare scontento - ovvero i furfanti resi onesti



"Now cast your gaze on the glorious beehive. Contemplate the admirable agreement that reigns between trade and good faith. The obscurities that blurred this show are disappeared: everything is seen in the open. How much things have changed their face!"
The fairy tale of the bees

In a seemingly happy beehive lived a swarm of bees organized in a society well ordered and regulated by the laws. From them there was no tyranny, nor democracy generates disorders. Their life was very similar to human’s life. The posting of the beehives in the city wants to be a criticism of today’s consumer society, hoping that a less distracted citizen, coming across one of my hives, is stimulated to reflect on contemporary society.

martina dierico l'alveare scontento martina dierico l'alveare scontento martina dierico l'alveare scontento martina dierico l'alveare scontento martina dierico l'alveare scontento martina dierico l'alveare scontento martina dierico l'alveare scontento